Saturday, April 18, 2009

Boneman's Daughters by Ted Dekker:Blog Tour

Boneman's Daughter's is a well crafted and riveting story. A tale that begs for a movie deal as sure as the victims of the dreaded serial killer known as the Boneman begged for mercy.

I am a suspense addict and have been ever since Phillis Whitney caught my attention with her mystery novels when I was about ten years old.
Ted Dekker is not Phillis Whitney, nor should he be, but if you are looking for a feel good Christian suspense novel, The Boneman's Daughters is not for you. If you are looking for redemption, this book is not for you. Lest I be charged with a legalistic and dogmatic perspective of what is "Christian fiction", let me just say that I totally respect the fantastic authors who write in this rather broad genre, including Ted Dekker. I also don't believe that an altar call is a necessary ingredient to a book that could point someone to a relationship with Jesus Christ. My only problem with this book is that I wasn't sure if there was any hope at the end.

I'm a real hope freak.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Goodness I totally understand...great writing!